other scanners, our LightPinTM system uses no laser for sprocket hole
detection. Instead, an off the shelf reflective sensor
employs a simple, pin point LED light beam which is
reflected off the film surface. When the passing of a
sprocket hole interrupts that reflected light beam,
the camera is triggered to capture a single frame of
film as it passes by. The fact that we use a
reflective sensor means clear edge film is captured
just as easily as film with a black edge. This is
because the LightPinTM sensor is
looking for the physical presence of the film and does
not care about film density. Because some sprocket
holes may be damaged, the
positioning of the sensor is adjustable across the
width of the sprocket hole. Also, the
system allows the user to select which end of the
sprocket hole is used to trigger the camera for best
registration. Unlike other scanners, we do not use a
strobe to illuminate the film. Instead, we use a
constant, super bright light source with ultra high
frequency pulse width modulation to ensure zero
visible flicker when adjusting brightness of the
note, this is a general overview to assist potential
buyers in understanding how our scanner functions. I
do not offer guidance nor provide information on how
to build your own system using the components listed.
I'm sure you understand.
Roger Evans, owner MovieStuff, LLC
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