The instructions have not yet been updated but
there is no longer an auto pixel fix because we found that it
would often miss dead pixels. With the new version of the
software, you must do a short 30-60 second capture at full
sensor resolution of footage that reveals the dead pixels you
wish to fix. That footage will then be used to create your dead
pixel guide to manually map the pixels you wish to fix. To do
so, bring that footage into the software viewer and prepare your
pixel guide images in one of two ways:
Method 1) Use the snapshot function of the viewer to export some
frames that show the dead pixels clearly.
- OR -
Method 2) Export a full 2K or 4K 4:3 numbered image sequence
that show the dead pixels clearly.
Then open the Pixel Fix utility on the software. While you can
certainly use the traditional method of a single snapshot from
the viewer as a guide to find the dead pixels, they are often
easier to see if the background is moving since the problem
pixel will be stationary relative to the moving background. The
software allows you to bring in your numbered image sequence and
will cycle through those sequential frames over and over while
you hunt for and mark dead pixels. When the pixel fix utility
asks you to choose your reference pic, you would simply
highlight the first frame of that numbered image sequence in the
export folder. The utility will then slowly cycle through the
frames over and over automatically while you look for dead
pixels. Place your cursor over any dead pixel and mark by
clicking your mouse. When you finish, just save and close out
the utility.
Please note, the pixel fix does
not fix pixels
in the
camera during capture. Instead, it fixes pixels
export of your footage. This may seem counter intuitive
but it is really the better way to handle the problem. Let's say
that you captured footage for a week and then, upon viewing your
footage later, you noticed dead pixels throughout the footage.
If you then fix the pixels in the camera, all the footage would
have to be recaptured. But, by fixing the dead pixels during
export, all you need to do is mark the dead pixels in the Pixel
Fix utility then re-export your footage without the need to
recapture. Also, as your camera ages and potentially develops
more dead pixels, you can simply add to the dead pixel map when